Lunch With Stephen – A J.P. True Story

  I am an avid reader, and like most fans I have my favorites.  Some twenty odd years ago
I discovered Lawrence Block.  In the Sunday Atlanta Journal’ Art Section was a review of newly released
books, music, etc.  The book, “Tanner on Ice” had a warm review, but the synopsis is what grabbed me:

A spy put to sleep for 20 years wakes to find himself in a strange world but with familiar enemies.  Anyway on my lunch hour that afternoon I went to the local bookstore and purchased my copy.  I had never heard of Lawrence Block before then but from that book on I have been a fan and I’ve read almost everything he’s written with a few exceptions.

 When I subscribe to his newsletter, I found that he close each one with Larry or just his initials LB.

Nowadays I will refer to him simply as LB especially when I am talking with Nancy at home.   A typical conversation would be like: “Oh LB has a new book coming out next month.”   Nancy would then ask, “Who is LB?
“Lawrence Block,” I would answer, then watch her roll her eyes.

The other week I was finishing up David Baldacci’s “End Game” and had it with me in my briefcase.

I grabbed my book and headed to the break room with my lunch bag and my book.  I called Nancy

as I always do when I go to lunch just to say hi and chat a bit.   

“Are you on your way to the break room? She asked.

“Yeah, “ I replied.  “Going to lunch with David today.”

“David?” she sounded surprised.  “David who?”

“David Baldacci,” I replied.  “I’m right at the end, and it’s getting exciting.”

I couldn’t see her reaction of course, but I bet there was an eye roll on the other of the line.

 Wednesday, I had breakfast with my Mom, and while she finished her coffee

I called Nancy and asked, “ Hey can I spend $25?”

“Sure,” she replied.  “What’s it for?”

“I thought Mom and I would go to Barnes and Noble to get Stephen’s new book.”

“Stephen?” she asked.  “Stephen who?”

“King,” I replied.  “His latest was released yesterday.”

“Oh yeah, “ she laughed.  “I forget you are on a first name basis with all these writers.”

‘Well,”  I said.  “I know them, even if they don’t know who I am.”

I could feel the spouse eye roll on the other end.

“Sure,” she said.  Go ahead and get it.”

 Today when I left for the office, I had the new book in my hand.

“Going to lunch with Stephen today?” Nancy asked as I opened the door.


Nancy smiled, and said, “Y’all have fun.”


                                         The End



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1 thought on “Lunch With Stephen – A J.P. True Story

  1. Love it!


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