Today They Call It Bail – A J.P. True Story

Another J.P. True Story

               Nancy and I have begun attending Church services, but due to my schedule at work, I am not able to always attend on Sunday.  To make up for this and to be more a part of the community we have volunteered to help with functions when possible such as the children’s book drive.  And we also have started going to Wednesday’s prayer meeting and dinner afterwards.

                A few weeks ago at Wednesday’s meeting, the Senior Pastor was discussing redemption.  “In the Old Testament,” he began, “One could pay for their redemption.”

                An older parishioner raised his hand, “Is that still possible today?”

                Before the Pastor could answer, I interjected, ”Yes.  But today they call it bail.”

                That got me a few laughs, and even a smile from the Pastor.

                Nancy just gave me the spouse eye roll.   I wouldn’t have expected anything else.                                          


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