A 3-Wood And I.T. Term

About a month or so ago, I got a brand new full set of golf clubs.  Tour Edge HL4 for the left hand.  Actually it was the only complete left handed set the PGA Superstore had in stock.

I toyed with buy some single used left handed clubs which they had plenty of but after adding the cost of a few clubs vs a new complete set, I opted for the complete set.  I have been to the course 2x with them.

Not that I’m a great golfer by any means, I have a bad slice and an even worse habit of losing more balls than I actually get in the hole.  Even though I get frustrated and have let the course know my frustration level by

saying a few choice words, my pursuit of the game that can’t be won but only played, goes on.


Practicing in the backyard has been my choice where I have to do only half swings or quarter swings to prevent the ball from going over in my neighbor’s yard or in the brush at the back of my property.

I recently bought some practice limited flight golf balls so that I might work on a full swing.  But yesterday I found a problem.


I have 2 wedge clubs, a regular pitching wedge and also a 56 Super Spin Wedge.   I had never heard of the latter until I saw it on the Golf Channel’s Big Break.


So yesterday I’m in the backyard and I hit a few balls with both clubs, imagining that I am below the green and I need to get loft on the ball to put it near the hole.

I’ve started picking out a targeted area each time.  And it was great.  I was get loft and distance with each club and then something terribly went wrong.


I switched to the 3-wood, and not only could I not get loft, I couldn’t get any distance at all! Obliviously its not me, it couldn’t be me.


“I think my 3-wood is defective,” I told Nancy after cleaning my clubs and storing them.


“Why is that?”


I told her what happened, and she threw an I.T. term at me:  “Sounds like a user error to me.” 😊


But of course she may be right, further testing will have to be done.  But I’m willing. 😊


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1 thought on “A 3-Wood And I.T. Term

  1. OMG this is so funny “sounds like a user error” is going to be my new thing tell Nancy thanks for the inspiration😂😂😂😂

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