If I could delete one thing from Earth
It would be the poison of hatred
That seeps into the hearts of humanity
And tears us apart from within

I would erase the bitter taste
Of prejudice and discrimination
That stains the fabric of our society
And blinds us to our shared humanity

I long to rid the world of the darkness
That shrouds the light of compassion
And divides us into tribes of fear
Instead of uniting us in love

If only I could erase the pain
Caused by violence and war
That ravages the land and the soul
Leaving behind scars that may never heal

I dream of a world without the burden
Of greed and selfish ambition
Where we can live in harmony
And nurture the beauty of our shared home

But until that day comes, I will hold on
To the hope that one day we will rise
Above the things that divide us
And embrace the love that unites us all

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